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Fine, You Won. I Replaced The Tanning Video With A Cooking Video
• 10/17/23
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12 months ago
looks good!
12 months ago
petition to bring back the tanning video. i was going to watch it but now its gone :(
12 months ago
Yeah - because I live in Bum Fuck Nowhere..... and load up the freezer with the cheapest frozen vegetables every month or so... Pictures of anything good, nutritional and home cooked is like food porn.....
Home cooking is brilliant.... Here is a heap of potato soup recipies...
The first site has like HEAPS of great recipes in it..... AND they are all fucking brilliant.....
And it has a heap more "soup bases" - primary ingredient soups in it too.
Explore Vegetable Soup Recipes
Tomato Soup Recipes
Carrot Soup Recipes
Squash Soup Recipes
Broccoli Soup Recipes
Spinach Soup Recipes
Onion Soup Recipes
Gazpacho Recipes
Cabbage Soup Recipes
Sweet Potato Soup Recipes
Kale Soup Recipes
Barley Soup Recipes
Asparagus Soup Recipes
Butternut Squash Soup Recipes
Pumpkin Soup Recipes
Zucchini Soup Recipes
And if your diabetic or can't handle heaps of carbohydrates, you can easily substitute something else in like green leafy vegetables, pumkin, leek, onions, tons of stuff - either partly or wholly....
12 months ago
There is a ratio too, that eating HIGHLY NUTRITIONAL food, is different to HIGH ENERGY DENSITY FOOD....
Like eating say a kilo of a mixture of fresh cabbage in coleslaw, beetroot, tomato, cumber, avocado, pumpkin, peanuts, - and meat - like seafood, lamb, pork, beef etc., is NUTRIENT DENSE.
Where as buckets of KFC is ONLY energy dense..... it has fuck all in the way of nutrition.
This is why people who eat junk food eat so much, partly from the carbohydrate addiction (sugars) but mostly because they are trying to get their NEEDS met for broad ranging nutrients that comes from fresh vegetables and meat etc...
So they eat pizza, Crap Donalds, KFC - by the ton, and get no nutrition.
But people who cook and create fresh food dishes - they eat like 1 or 2 Kg a day - are physically active, are getting sufficient energy to power them, AND they are running on all the nutrients in the food, and they are NOT craving endless energy hits from carbohydrates (starch = flour = potatoes and bread and sugar) to kick them back to life...
Home COOKED meals - Great.
Junk Food = totally bad.
12 months ago
Fuck - what ever is boiling in the pot, looks REAL nice.
I cook the stuff that takes a long time to cook through first - like potates etc., and then throw the fast cook vegetables like broccoli 2 minutes before serving , and then spinach a minute before serving....
The Asians do the soup stock first, with the meat and spices etc., and when they are cooked, they add things like cabbage and then bok choy in at the last minute... literally 1 minute.. so the vegetables are HOT, fresh and crisp....
My old man used to boil everything to death....
Asian soups etc., changed my mind on how to make brilliant soups and foods.
12 months ago
12 months ago
12 months ago